
Submitted by Mr Pooper (Some City, Some State) on 06.24.14

Well.. Was home drinking some beers when I noticed I ran out :( So I conned my girlfriend to walk with me to the store to get some more.. Well.. On our way back I felt that nasty cramp that comes when you have to diarrhea.. I asked to to walk faster because I had to shit.. She has a sore foot so she couldn't walk as fast as I could.. Well.. I waited up for her to catch up, When it happened.. I shit my pants and it was diarrhea.. I mean a big load of it.. FUCK!!!! GRRR So I had to finish walking home grabbing my shorts so tight that it wouldn't drop down my leg.. Got home ran to the bathroom and discovered the nasty mess in my pants.. It was bad.. real bad.. I cleaned what I could and still had to shit.. Sat on the toilet and finished relieving myself.. Got up.. Shit all over the toilet... Cleaned it up (Yuck!) and took a good long shower.. My girlfriend was so awesome and helped me by cleaning out my underwear and my pants.. Even tho she kept gagging every few seconds.. I told her I love her and thanked her for what she did.. LOL.

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